Samurai Vaults
The Samurai Vault is a feature which enables Samurai NFT Node holders and xHNR governance token holders to lock up the ERC-20 token along with the NFT (ERC-721) in the smart contract outlined below. The feature would effectively store and retain the provided tokens and NFTs for a pre-determined period of time (also referred to as lockup period) and release an incentive upon the Vault's maturity period (unlock time). The incentive were comprised of a boosted xHNR governance token reward rate being dispersed at the Vault's maturity period.
Claim Voting Escrow xHNR
If your NFT nodes & xHNR tokens were locked into a vault, you may be eligible to claim vexHNR
Unlock the Vaults
Once the remaining blocks pass and the final target block is reached, you will be able to unlock your xHNR and node NFTs.